Research on Rural Environmental Governance by Polycentric Theory

  • Xiaoya Li School of Law and Politics,Hebei GEO University
Article ID: 2170
Keywords: Rural area, Environmental governance, Polycentric theory


Rural environmental governance is a major move to improve the quality of life of the rural population. It is related to multiple governance entities such as the government, the market, and society.This article uses polycentric theory to analyze rural environmental governance. At present, rural environmental governance faces the challenges including weak awareness and ability of the villagers, insufficient participation of market players, and weakness of grassroots social organizations. Effective rural environmental governance can be achieved through equal cooperation, effective supplementation and mutual supervision. Finally, suggestions are put forward from the perspective of the government, the grassroots social organizations and the villagers.
How to Cite
Li, X. (2021). Research on Rural Environmental Governance by Polycentric Theory. Learning & Education, 10(1), 133-136.


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