The Study on English Writing Teaching in Senior High School Based on Mind Mapping

  • Qian Wang College of Foreign Languages, Shaanxi Ankang
  • Weiwei Hu College of Foreign Languages, Shaanxi Ankang
Article ID: 2166
Keywords: Mind Mapping, English writing, Senior high school English teaching


Writing, as one of the four basic language skills (listening, speaking, reading and writing), plays an important role in communication and receives more and more attention. Due to the long duration ,the low efficiency of cultivating students’ writing ability, and the difficulty of teaching writing practice, students are not interested in writing and find it difficult to improve their writing scores. However, Mind Mapping is a thinking tool of visibility and divergence invented according to the radioactive characteristics of the brain. Mind Mapping can present complex things in a concise and clear way, making the learning content logical and clear. Under the guidance of the constructivism and radiant thinking, by literature analysis, questionnaire, and interview,based on Mind Mapping, this paper first analyzes the main problems and causes of English writing teaching in senior high school, and then focuses on the application and effectiveness of Mind Mapping in English writing teaching. At last, aiming to improving the senior high school English writing teaching, the paper put forward some effective suggestions .
How to Cite
Wang, Q., & Hu, W. (2021). The Study on English Writing Teaching in Senior High School Based on Mind Mapping. Learning & Education, 10(1), 123-125.


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