Research on the Integration of Analysis and Algebra Knowledge in Basic Mathematics Teaching

  • Tongchao Liu Teaching and Research Office of Chengdu Colledge of Arts and Sciences
Article ID: 2150
Keywords: Mathematics subject, Basic teaching, Knowledge of algebra, Fusion research


Education is one of the key issues that the country pays close attention to at the present stage. Strengthening the attention to education can not only effectively promote the level of national cultural knowledge, but also effectively promote the national economic development and provide certain support for national construction in this process. Therefore, China's current education and teaching system is constantly undergoing reform,It is required that teachers should make more changes in teaching methods according to the national development situation and the requirements of teaching reform, so as to promote the improvement of students' knowledge and learning efficiency. Especially for mathematics, which is a relatively high abstract knowledge, teachers should fully integrate basic mathematics teaching with algebra knowledge in the teaching process,To effectively improve students' mathematical thinking, this paper will introduce and study the specific implementation methods in the process of mathematics teaching.
How to Cite
Liu, T. (2021). Research on the Integration of Analysis and Algebra Knowledge in Basic Mathematics Teaching. Learning & Education, 10(1), 91-92.


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