Tourism English Translation in Shanxi Province from the Intercultural Communication Perspective

  • Jingle Zhang School of Chinese Language & Literature Zhengzhou University
Article ID: 2146
Keywords: Cross-cultural Communication, Translation Methods, English Translation of Scenic Spot Signs


With the rapid development of my country’s social economy, the number of foreign tourists has also increased year by year. At present, tourism English translation in China occupies a small proportion in the field of translation studies, and there are many non-standard phenomena in Tourism English translation. This paper aims to study the English translation of tourist attractions in Shanxi from the perspective of cross-cultural communication. By analyzing the names of scenic spots and the textual and functional characteristics of foreign publicity materials, the root causes of problems such as inconsistencies and mistranslations in English translation are explained. It also puts forward suggestions for further standardization of the English translation of scenic spots and foreign publicity materials in Shanxi Province, in order to promote the development of Shanxi’s tourism industry.
How to Cite
Zhang, J. (2021). Tourism English Translation in Shanxi Province from the Intercultural Communication Perspective. Learning & Education, 10(1), 83-84.


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