A Study on the Relationship between Social Support Alexithymia and Mobile Paddiction in College Students

  • Shaoqi Zeng Minnan University of Technology
  • Lei Yu Minnan University of Technology
  • Shanji Sui Minnan University of Technology
  • Jing Lin Minnan University of Technology
  • Hongwei Lu Minnan University of Technology
  • Weiqiang Lin Minnan University of Technology
Article ID: 2142
Keywords: Mobile phone addiction, College students, Social support, Alexithymia


Objective:To conduct a quantitative study on the relationship among social support, alexithymia and mobile phone addiction tendency of college students. Methods:Questionnaire survey was conducted among 330 college students in a university in Fujian Province by using the College Students’ Mobile Phone Addiction Inventory(MPATS), the MSPSS and the Toronto Affective Disorder Inventory(TAS-20). Results:The total score and various factors of social support were significantly negatively correlated with alexithymia and mobile phone addiction tendency.There was a significant positive correlation between alexithymia and mobile phone addiction tendency.Alexithymia played a partial mediating role in the relationship between social support and mobile phone addiction.Conclusion:Social support of college students can influence the tendency of mobile phone addiction through the partial mediating effect of alexithymia.
How to Cite
Zeng, S., Yu, L., Sui, S., Lin, J., Lu, H., & Lin, W. (2021). A Study on the Relationship between Social Support Alexithymia and Mobile Paddiction in College Students. Learning & Education, 10(1), 69-72. https://doi.org/10.18282/l-e.v10i1.2142


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