Translation Teaching Based on Language Big Data

  • Ying Xu Zhejiang Yuexiu University
Article ID: 2139
Keywords: Language big Data, Translation Teaching, Teaching Strategy


With the continuous development of information technology, China has officially entered the information age. Big data information technology has changed people’s lifestyles and promoted the transformation and upgrading of various industries. In the era of language big data, the requirements for translators have also been improved. To train translation talents to adapt to the development of the times, colleges and universities should update the concept of translation talents training in time, actively explore the relationship between language big data and translation, actively adjust the translation teaching mode, realize intelligent teaching, build a new translation teaching system, enhance students’ translation skills and train talents with higher professional level for the society. This paper will discuss the concept of big data, the influence of language big data on translation teaching, the existing problems in translation teaching and the translation teaching strategies based on language big data.
How to Cite
Xu, Y. (2021). Translation Teaching Based on Language Big Data. Learning & Education, 10(1), 58-61.


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