Resiliency of Business Organizations in the Tourism Industry of Wuhan, China During the Covid-19 Pandemic

  • Yuqiu Du Cavite state university
Article ID: 2138
Keywords: Resilience, Governance, Tourism company, COVID-19


The COVID-19 outbreak which pushed the public actors to seek out customized solutions a dusted for local development. Especially for the city of Wuhan, The present paper investigates the role played by the public administration in rebuilding and supporting the tourist sector in Bukovina which has been severely affected by the restrictions imposed by pandemic. The study used a mixed research method: quantitative analysis and qualitative research (interviews).This paper mentioned many major crisis events before, because the harm, impact and scale of effect to the tourism industry by the current pandemic is very obvious and every government is implementing various programs and strategies to mitigate it. In this study, the effectiveness of such initiatives will be evaluated and the capability of tourism businesses to rebound from this crisis will likewise be assessed.The results show that the types of governance applied by the county and local administration will have a decisive impact upon the recovery of the tourism sector.
How to Cite
Du, Y. (2021). Resiliency of Business Organizations in the Tourism Industry of Wuhan, China During the Covid-19 Pandemic. Learning & Education, 10(1), 56-57.


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