Female Images in Female-Directed Chinese Films.

  • Siyi Chen Science and Technology of China
Article ID: 2132
Keywords: Female-Directedï¼›Feministï¼›Chinese Filmsï¼›Film screen


This essay takes the representation of females in major Chinese female-directed films since the new period as the research subject. Until the development of Western feminist theory, female images in Chinese films were not studied critically. With the coming of a new period, accompanied by reform and women’s liberation movement, the Chinese film industry has created a great number of new female images. These films highlight its charm as a visual media due to the handling of the female image on the screen; in the way filmmakers re-presented with greater awareness the importance of correctly introducing and handling female images on the screen.
How to Cite
Chen, S. (2021). Female Images in Female-Directed Chinese Films. Learning & Education, 10(1), 43-4ï¼.” https://doi.org/10.18282/l-e.v10i1.2132


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