The Influencing Factors and Preventive Measures of Computer Network Security Technology

  • Zhiwei Li Zhengzhou University of Science and Technology
  • Hefeng Liu Henan Air Cargo Development Co., Ltd.
Article ID: 2131
Keywords: Computer, Network security technology, Influencing factors, Preventive measures


Because the application scope of computer network technology is getting wider and wider, the security issue of this technology has gradually attracted the attention of the public. In addition, the openness of computer network technology is relatively strong, and it can be easily and quickly shared on a large scale, so it also determines that the computer network is susceptible to influence and attacks. In order to improve the stability and security of the computer network, it must be aimed at the security of the computer network. The threat factors put forward effective preventive measures.
How to Cite
Li, Z., & Liu, H. (2021). The Influencing Factors and Preventive Measures of Computer Network Security Technology. Learning & Education, 10(1), 41-42.


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