Research on Peer-evaluation in Senior High Schools’ Oral English Teaching

  • Li Zhao Suqian Higher Normal School
Article ID: 2128
Keywords: Peer-evaluation, Cooperation, Oral competence


Evaluation of the students’ speaking is a key stage in oral English teaching. By evaluation students can get positive and necessary information about their speaking, making it possible for them to improve their oral competence. But for a long time, evaluation of students’ speaking in oral English class has been neglected or only dominated just by the teacher in middle schools in China, which is one of the main reasons for the students’ low level in this aspect. This thesis reports the possibility and effects of peer-evaluation in oral English teaching in Chinese middle schools. The researcher finds that the student’s peer-evaluation under the teacher’s direction has achieved a lot. This method can greatly motivate the students to be braver and more interested in speaking, which has greatly promoted the students to speak and has great active effects in improving the students’ speaking ability, especially on the students who are shy or poor in speaking. It is also found that the students’ ability of cooperation and attitudes towards cooperation are well developed by peer evaluation which results in an overall progress of their oral English.
How to Cite
Zhao, L. (2021). Research on Peer-evaluation in Senior High Schools’ Oral English Teaching. Learning & Education, 10(1), 33-35.


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