The Study of Functional Equivalence Theory in Chinese Tourism Text Translation——A Case Study of Tourism Text Translation of Wuzhen

  • Jiaqi Wang Shenyang University
  • Siyao Yang Shenyang University
  • Yuxuan Shang Shenyang University
Article ID: 2124
Keywords: Nida, Functional Equivalence Theory, Tourism text, Translation methods


With the rapid development of tourism in China, more and more tourists choose to visit Wuzhen. Therefore local tourism text translation is becoming more and more important. This article will use Nida’s theory of functional equivalence as the basis for an analysis of the method of translating the Chinese language of travel text into English. Examples of tourism text translation of Wuzhen are taken to illustrate the application of Functional Equivalence Theory in the translation of tourism texts. This paper studies the strategy of applying the theory of functional equivalence in the translation of tourism texts in Wuzhen, China.
How to Cite
Wang, J., Yang, S., & Shang, Y. (2021). The Study of Functional Equivalence Theory in Chinese Tourism Text Translation——A Case Study of Tourism Text Translation of Wuzhen. Learning & Education, 10(1), 23-2ï¼.”


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