Push Down the "Berlin Wall" in 2021

  • Murong Zhao Southwestern University of Finance and Economics
Article ID: 2118
Keywords: Coupling model, The decomposition of the Gini coefficient, Redistribute Education Resource Model


We analyze the various indicators of the German higher education system. We compute the total Gini coefficient of education in Germany in the past ten years and found that the fairness of the Germany higher education system needs to be improved. To explore the reasons for the lack of equity, we decompose the educational Gini coefficient and concluded that the cause is the uneven distribution of educational resources between East and West Germany. Therefore, we focus our policy on balancing the educational resources of East and West Germany. We establish a resource transfer matrix to alleviate the uneven distribution of educational resources. Finally, we verify that the policies we proposed can improve the German education system well and have a profound impact on society and the country.
How to Cite
Zhao, M. (2021). Push Down the "Berlin Wall" in 2021. Learning & Education, 10(1), 9-10. https://doi.org/10.18282/l-e.v10i1.2118
