Study on Rural Revitalization Strategy Based on Agricultural Economics

  • Yang Hong Zhejiang Ocean University
Article ID: 2040
Keywords: Rural revitalization strategy, Agricultural economics


In 2018, the No. 1 document of the CPC Central Committee proposed the comprehensive implementation of rural revitalization strategy, which is an important top-level design for comprehensively planning rural revitalization in the new era after the 19th CPC National Congress.Rural revitalization is a new systematic project and an important institutional guarantee for the healthy development of agricultural economy in the new era.One of the primary bases of rural revitalization is that agriculture becomes a promising industry. It is of great practical significance to comprehensively explain the rural revitalization strategy from the perspective of agricultural economics.
How to Cite
Hong, Y. (2021). Study on Rural Revitalization Strategy Based on Agricultural Economics. Learning & Education, 9(5), 104-105.


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