The Applicability of Communication Accommodation Theory and Empathy Strategy in Speeches ——A Case Study from Remarks by Ambassador Cui Tiankai in 2018

  • Yuhuan Wang First High School of Dancheng County
Article ID: 1744
Keywords: Communication Accommodation Theory, Convergence, Strategies Empathy


This paper is mainly based on the topic of whether the theory of Communication Accommodation (CAT) is applicable in speeches and how the Empathy strategy is applied in speeches. A case study from a speech by Ambassador Cui Tiankai at the Welcome Dinner Hosted by Kentucky Governor Matt Bevin is analyzed as a sample of intercultural communication practice. The research analyzes and explores the origin of the CAT and its related theories as well as elaborates on similarity-attraction theory, social exchange theory, causal attribution, social identity theory and some major strategies such as convergence, divergence and over-convergence for the purpose of the applicability of CAT in speeches. What is more, empathy as an important strategy is illustrated in detail. After a careful analysis, it has been proved that it is effective and practical for the application of CAT in speeches. Furthermore, the application of Empathy strategy in speeches will create a rewarding outcome.
How to Cite
Wang, Y. (2021). The Applicability of Communication Accommodation Theory and Empathy Strategy in Speeches ——A Case Study from Remarks by Ambassador Cui Tiankai in 2018. Learning & Education, 9(4).


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