Leaner-Centered College English Teaching

  • Lulu Zhou Changchun Normal University
Article ID: 1736
Keywords: Learner-Centered, Teaching Strategies, College English Teaching


With the development of economic globalization, the world is increasingly inclined to exchange and cooperation. As the first language of international communication, English has become one of the basic abilities and qualities that modern people must have. In modern college English classroom teaching, the learner - centered college English teaching model has been widely used. Through the analysis of learners, teachers and teaching strategies, this paper tries to find out the relationship among them and the role they play in the learner-centered college English teaching, so as to improve the teaching strategies of college English and cultivate excellent English talents.
How to Cite
Zhou, L. (2021). Leaner-Centered College English Teaching. Learning & Education, 9(4). https://doi.org/10.18282/l-e.v9i4.1736


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