Study on three issues in Xiao Mang Cang Cang Zhai’ s Collection of letters from the Qing dynasty calligrapher

  • Hui Zhang School of Fine Arts, Southwest University
Ariticle ID: 1717
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Keywords: Letter, Qing Dynasty, Calligraphy


This paper contains three studies on the calligraphy contents Xiao Mang Cang Cang Zhai’s Collection of letters from the Qing dynasty calligrapher. The calligraphic spirit formation of Liu Yong and Kang Youwei; and the stele visit of literati in the Qing Dynasty.


[1] Chen Lie, Tian Jiaying and Xiao Mang Cang Cang Zhai[M]. Shanghai, Sanlian Press, 2002.

[2] Chen Lie, The Qing dynasty calligraphers of Xiao Mang Cang Cang Zhai collection[M]. Beijing, Cultural Relics Publishing House, 1999.

[3] Chen Qingqing. Review of The Qing dynasty calligraphers of Xiao Mang Cang Cang Zhai collection[J]. Collectors, 2014; (01): 71-82.

[4] Kang Youwei (Qing Dynasty). Guangyizhoushuangji[M]. Beijing, Beijing Library Press, 2004.

[5] Edited by Liu Zhengcheng, Chinese Calligraphy Collection[M]. Beijing, Rongbaozhai, 1991.
