Study on the Pricing Mechanism of Deductive Right License Transfer Based on Mechanism Design Theory

  • Ting Tang Shaanxi Provincial Geological Survey Institute
Ariticle ID: 1715
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Keywords: Deductive Weight, Economic Analysis, Pricing Mechanism Design


The relevant laws and regulations in our country only provide in principle for the license transfer of deductive right. In practice, we often encounter two major problems: First, there is information asymmetry between the original author and the deductive author, and there is a large transaction cost. The second is how to give consideration to the interests of the original author and the deductive author to achieve incentive compatibility. To solve these two problems, build a quantitative model. It has a certain reference value to the practice of deduction right license transfer.


[1] See Delia Lipsik, UNESCO translation: Copyright and ProXIMITY, China Translation and Publishing Corporation, 2000, p.80.

[2] See William M. Landers, Richard A. Posner, Translated by Jin Haijun: The Economic Structure of Intellectual Property Law, Beijing University Press, 2005, p.137.

[3] See Wu Handong, Cao Xinming, Wang yi, Hu kaizhong, the study of copyright system in western countries, China university of political science and law press, 1998, p.136.

[4] See anling fei, a course on copyright law, intellectual property press, 2003, p. 62.

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[7] See Zhang Man, On the Legitimacy of Legal Copyright Licensing, Intellectual Property, 2013; (1).

[8] See Tian guoqiang economic mechanism theory: information efficiency and incentive mechanism design, load volume 2, 2003 of the economist (quarterly).
