Art Exhibition: Witness in Silence

  • Shunchen Bu Hubei Institute of Fine Arts
Article ID: 1711
Keywords: individual Exhibition, Performativity, Witness, Dissemination


Based on Jane Block’s and J.L. Austin’s discussion of performative expression, this paper turns to the analysis of performative expression in artists’ solo exhibitions. Starting from the opening ceremony of artists’ exhibition, analyzed the combination of language, behavior and power in exhibition activities, as well as the interaction and essence of witnessing. At the same time, it deals with the dissemination and productivity of solo exhibition audience viewing behavior.
How to Cite
Bu, S. (2021). Art Exhibition: Witness in Silence. Learning & Education, 9(4).


[1] Gavin Butt,After Criticism: New Responses to Art and Performance (Oxford, Blackwell press, 2005), p.49.

[2] J. L. Austin, How To Do Things with Words, ed. J. O. Urmson and Marina Sbisà (Oxford, Clarendon Press,1975), p.12.

[3] Andrew Parker and Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick, Introduction to Parker and Sedgwick (eds), Performance and Performance (New York and London: Routledge, 1995), p.11.

[4] Gavin Butt, After Criticism: New Responses To Art and Performance (Oxford, Blackwell press, 2005), p.52.

[5] Gavin Butt, After Criticism: New Responses To Art and Performance (Oxford, Blackwell press, 2005), p.56.

[6] Gavin Butt, After Criticism: New Responses To Art and Performance (Oxford, Blackwell press, 2005), p.60.