The Application Status and Development Trend of Digital Art Sensory Interaction

  • Hongyan Ren Chengdu Art Vocational University
Article ID: 1708
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Keywords: Digital Art, Digital Entertainment, Sensory Interaction


with the continuous development of digital media, the high-frequency interaction between people and personal digital devices continues to promote the development of digital entertainment products. At present, digital art has its own development in the interaction of vision, hearing, touch, taste and smell. This article summarizes the application status of sensory interaction, analyzes the future development trend of digital art, and finds out that digital art will develop in the fields of artificial intelligence, sensory equipment and sensor technology iteration in the future through data analysis, literature study and case analysis In this paper, the author come up with some feasible reference for practitioners and researchers in related fields.


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How to Cite
Ren, H. (2021). The Application Status and Development Trend of Digital Art Sensory Interaction. Learning & Education, 9(4).