Application of Computer Graphic Technology in Animated Scene

  • Changyong Zhu Nantong Institute of Technology
  • yunyun Wang Nantong Institute of Technology
  • Jiaxin Tang Nantong Institute of Technology
Article ID: 1697
Keywords: Animated scene, three dimentional animation, Peking Opera.


Animated scene design directedly refers to other styling design besides character design, which plays extremely important role in animated films. Scenes usually vary with plots of story, highlighting atmosphere and style of animation. Therefore, design of animated scene conveys characteristics of both technology and art. This article illustrates the specific application of computer graphic technology in animated scene, featuring the animation, the man on the stage, made by self.
How to Cite
Zhu, C., Wang, yunyun, & Tang, J. (2021). Application of Computer Graphic Technology in Animated Scene. Learning & Education, 9(4).


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