EDP scale analysis based on temperature

  • Xinyan Liu College of Computer Science and Technology,Tiangong University
Article ID: 1696
Keywords: EDP, Fbprophet


Since the beginning of the 21st century,the global climate change,especially the global warming,is becoming more and more serious.The global warming leads to the rise of sea level,making many small island countries at a low altitude in danger of vanishment.Firstly,we build an EDP formation model to predict which countries and how many people will have the risk of becoming EDP.We use principal component analysis to reveal that EDP is mainly caused by the rise of sea level.We choose a time series prediction algorithm,fbprophet to predict the trend of temperature change.Based on the rise of sea level,the size of EDP affected by natural disasters is roughly estimated.
How to Cite
Liu, X. (2021). EDP scale analysis based on temperature. Learning & Education, 9(4). https://doi.org/10.18282/l-e.v9i4.1696


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