An Analysis on the Control of Administrative Discretion

  • Xiaojian Feng School of Politics and Public Administration,Qingdao University
Article ID: 1694
Keywords: administration, discretion, control


Administrative discretion means that administrative agencies can exercise their rights based on their own judgment and actual conditions when dealing with matters that are not authorized by the law or have not made detailed provisions.The existence of administrative discretion is not only the result of the expansion of administrative power,but also to adapt to administrative differences in different regions and departments,and to maintain social fairness and justice.However,the existence of rights leads to abuse and corruption,which requires the legislature to control the problem of excessive discretionary power from the source. The administrative law enforcement agency further improves the administrative reconsideration,strengthens the selection and supervision of the staff of the administrative agency,and the judicial agency improves the judicial review.
How to Cite
Feng, X. (2021). An Analysis on the Control of Administrative Discretion. Learning & Education, 9(4).


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