Strategic Policy on the Development of Higher Education in China

  • Bing Zhao School of Accounting and Finance, Canvard College, Beijing Technology and Business University
Article ID: 1690
Keywords: higher education, Asian education, strategic development


Asian Universities rank high in the global universities, while western universities decline due to the the quality of higher education. There are several reasons owing to the rise of Asian universities including the increase in the enrollment, active research circumstances, the Asian culture of learning, etc. China has the long history of education and the earliest education can be traced back to Yu period (2257-2208 BC). Then, education in China evolves according to different dynasties and country policies. What is worth to mention is that Chinese government plays an essential role in the development of higher education in China like supplying financial support, making 985 and 211 program, and enlarging of enrollment.
How to Cite
Zhao, B. (2021). Strategic Policy on the Development of Higher Education in China. Learning & Education, 9(4).


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