How to Improve Higher Vocational English Teaching Mode under the Condition of Rapid Update of Modern Technology

  • Yan Jin Shaanxi Police Vocational College
Article ID: 1668
Keywords: Vocational English, Teaching Mode, Modern Technology


Nowadays, in the higher vocational English courses promulgated by the Ministry of Education, students are required to master certain basic knowledge and skills of English. This article begins with an in-depth analysis of English teaching in higher vocational colleges and finds that higher vocational English teaching has made a lot of achievements in recent years. This is reflected in the development of clear teaching guidance documents and the publication of series suitable for higher vocational education. English textbooks, and some new teaching models are being explored. However, in general, there are still many unresolved problems and challenges in higher vocational English teaching, which are mainly manifested in: the implementation of the guiding documents is not in place, the transformation of teachers’ educational and teaching concepts is relatively lagging, and the modernization of teaching models is not high. These problems have affected the effect of higher vocational English teaching, and seriously affected the English training of higher vocational students.
How to Cite
Jin, Y. (2021). How to Improve Higher Vocational English Teaching Mode under the Condition of Rapid Update of Modern Technology. Learning & Education, 9(4).


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