Modification of Graphene and Friction and Wear Property of its Epoxy Resin Matrix Composites

  • Weisong Sun College of Mechanical and Electronic Engineering, China University of Petroleum
  • Sirong Yu College of Mechanical and Electronic Engineering, China University of Petroleum
  • Menglong Tang College of Mechanical and Electronic Engineering, China University of Petroleum
  • Xian Wang College of Mechanical and Electronic Engineering, China University of Petroleum
Article ID: 1657
Keywords: graphene, modification, epoxy resin, composites, friction and wear


The graphene was modified by silane coupling agent KH560, the epoxy resin was reinforced by the modified graphene (KH-graphene) to produce KH-graphene/epoxy resin composites, and the effect of KH-graphene content and load on the friction and wear property of the composites was studied. The results showed that the KH560 was successfully grafted to the surface of graphene; The KH-graphene decreased the mass loss and friction coefficient of the epoxy resin, and with increasing the KHgraphene content, the mass loss and friction coefficient of KH-graphene/epoxy resin composites both showed a decreasing trend, and when the load was 150N, KH-graphene content was 0.5%, the mass loss and friction coefficient of composites were reduced by 44.9% and 17.4%; With increasing the load, the mass loss and friction coefficient of KH-graphene/epoxy resin composites also showed a decreasing trend; The wear form was mainly fatigue wear under the low load, and KH-graphene could inhibit the generation and expansion of micro-cracks; After the load increased, the wear form was mainly abrasive wear; After the graphene added, the wear scar of the worn surface of composites was relatively reduced.
How to Cite
Sun, W., Yu, S., Tang, M., & Wang, X. (2021). Modification of Graphene and Friction and Wear Property of its Epoxy Resin Matrix Composites. Learning & Education, 9(4).


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