Research on Supply Chain Resilience of Agricultural Products Based on AHP-FCE Model

  • Wenyu Dong Logistics Research Center, Shanghai Maritime University
Article ID: 1594
Keywords: Agricultural Products, Supply Chain Elasticity, Analytic Hierarchy Process - Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation Method


Asthe proportion ofrisksin the supply chain of agricultural productsincreases gradually, it is of far-reaching significance to improve the supply chain resilience to resist the risk interference. Based on the research on the factors affecting the resilience of agricultural products supply chain, the AHP-FCE method was used to evaluate the resilience of agricultural products supply chain. Through qualitative analysis and quantitative calculation, the fuzzy comprehensive evaluation of agricultural product supply chain resilience is carried out. The results show that the reliability of suppliers, the number of transport vehicles and the risk control ability of employees are the main factors restricting the resilience of agricultural supply chain. Finally, it provides theoretical basis for relevant enterprises and institutions to improve the resilience of their agricultural supply chain through case analysis and verification.
How to Cite
Dong, W. (2020). Research on Supply Chain Resilience of Agricultural Products Based on AHP-FCE Model. Learning & Education, 9(3), 114-117.


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