Contemporary Curatorial Practice: A Case Study of Curation on Site-Specific Consideration—Research and Practice Based on Birmingham City, UK

  • Jing Li School of Art, Birmingham City University; Xi’an Gaoxin NO. 2 School
Article ID: 1587
Keywords: Site-Specifics, Contemporary Art Exhibition, Group Project, Artists, Publication


This evaluation relates to the “...publication as a site†and contemporary art exhibitions for artists held on website and portfolios. I will discuss the concept development in the project within my role, through to the management of artists and the publication of design. This will also give consideration to “site-specific†curatorial practice theory and obtain comments from artists and audience. Moreover, the commissioning process is the significant considerable elements.
How to Cite
Li, J. (2020). Contemporary Curatorial Practice: A Case Study of Curation on Site-Specific Consideration—Research and Practice Based on Birmingham City, UK. Learning & Education, 9(3), 92-96.


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