An Evaluation of Cripps’ Population-Tied Schemes

  • Kaiying Zhu London School of Economic and Political Science
Article ID: 1585
Keywords: Population-Tied Scheme, Population Policies, Value


As the world population reaches 7.8 billion in 2020, humanity’s ecological footprint has become one of major global concerns. In this essay, I will explain population-tied schemes for distributing costs to reduce the global ecological footprint as found in Cripps’s paper and discuss the issues related to them. I shall argue that a universal population-tied scheme is not morally defensible at the current stage, while a ‘tailored’ population-tied scheme with modifications is morally defensible.
How to Cite
Zhu, K. (2020). An Evaluation of Cripps’ Population-Tied Schemes. Learning & Education, 9(3), 85-87.


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