The Factors Affecting GDP Growth

  • Long Ding Artificial Intelligence Academy, Shenyang Aerospace University
  • Fangping Hou College of Economics and Management, Zhengzhou University of Light Industry
  • Xiao Zhang Business School, Qingdao University of Technology
  • Guolong Li School of Information and Electrical Engineering, Ludong University
  • Shuo Wang Engineering Pilot Class, Changan University
  • Weizheng Sun Information and Electrical Engineering, Hunan University of Science and Technology
Article ID: 1577
Keywords: AHP, BP Neural Network, SVR, Economic Policy


This paper discusses the factors affecting GDP growth. By processing the data related to GDP, this paper uses AHP method, BP neural network, SVR method and economic policy correction model to quantitatively analyze the impact of different candidate countries on the U.S. economy and China’s economy. Combined with political, economic, social, environmental and other factors, referring to the national policy, the index system is obtained. The judgment matrix is constructed by AHP, and the more important one is extracted as the main index. Then the evaluation is carried out by using neural network. Firstly, the index is combined with the existing GDP standard system, and then network training and simulation are carried out. After substituting the data, we get and analyze the interaction between the indicators of each factor, and determine the positive correlation and negative correlation between the factors in the schematic diagram. As for the influence of policy factors, GDP is indirectly affected through tangible influence.


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How to Cite
Ding, L., Hou, F., Zhang, X., Li, G., Wang, S., & Sun, W. (2020). The Factors Affecting GDP Growth. Learning & Education, 9(3), 64-67.