Sentiment Analysis for the Customer Feedback in the Express Delivery Enterprise Evaluation System

  • Qi Wang School of Mordern Post(School of Automation), Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications
  • Shan Lu School of Mordern Post(School of Automation), Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications
  • Jin Lin School of Mordern Post(School of Automation), Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications
  • Cong Wang School of Mordern Post(School of Automation), Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications
  • Hongqiang Fan School of Mordern Post(School of Automation), Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications
Article ID: 1574
Keywords: Chinese E-Commerce, Customer Feedback Information, Express Delivery Company, Logistics Industry, Sentiment Analysis, Service Evaluation


Concomitant with rapid growth in recent years of Chinese e-commerce, an express delivery enterprise has developed and customer demand for express delivery services has increased. However, the Chinese express delivery industry has challenges such as low employee education level, sparse information availability, and high customer complaint rate. Big data technology provides a means for extracting customer opinions and studying customer behavior to realize greater overall customer satisfaction. In this study, the Chinese express delivery companies STO Express, YTO Express, ZTO Express, and YUNDA were selected as representatives and corresponding customer complaint information from the State Post Bureau analyzed. Sentiment analysis results indicate that companies can employ service decisions and develop measures to improve customer satisfaction and loyalty.
How to Cite
Wang, Q., Lu, S., Lin, J., Wang, C., & Fan, H. (2020). Sentiment Analysis for the Customer Feedback in the Express Delivery Enterprise Evaluation System. Learning & Education, 9(3), 57-59.


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