On the Essence and Uniqueness of Shakespeare’s Tragedy in Hamlet

  • Chaoqi Wang Ili Normal University
Article ID: 1425
Keywords: Hamlet, Tragic Essence, Uniqueness


Hamlet, written by Shakespeare, profoundly reveals the unbearable and dark feudal society in England. Although the works ended in tragedy, they did not find an entirely feasible way of social transformation. But Hamlett’s character, drama content and plot showed the advanced and unique spirit of humanism, revealing the huge gap between life and ideals. Therefore, the core content of this article is to study the characteristics of Hamlet, and then further explain its value to our society.
How to Cite
Wang, C. (2020). On the Essence and Uniqueness of Shakespeare’s Tragedy in Hamlet. Learning & Education, 9(2), 129-131. https://doi.org/10.18282/l-e.v9i2.1425


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