The Application of Mind Map in High School English Reading

  • Ying Zhang China Jiliang University
Article ID: 1411
Keywords: Mind Map, High School English Reading, Traditional Teaching


Mind maps were initially used to help students with learning difficulty overcome learning obstacles, which were then widely used in the education industry. It is a learning method that Oxford, Cambridge, and Harvard students must master. Meanwhile, as a world-class thinking training tool, it is highly recommended and used by the world’s top 500 corporate executives and has also been introduced into more than 500 subject experimental schools across the country as a “knowledge building strategy based on systematic thinkingâ€. If this method is applied to high school English reading classes, it will definitely make reading more efficient, students’ sporadic thinking can be more exercised, and teachers’ teaching tasks will be reduced to a certain extent. This article compares the traditional English reading teaching method with the mind mapping teaching method, which more clearly reflects the superiority of mind mapping in subject teaching.
How to Cite
Zhang, Y. (2020). The Application of Mind Map in High School English Reading. Learning & Education, 9(2), 91-93.


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