On the Education Countermeasures of Marxist Concept of Happiness for College Students in the New Era--Based on the Perspective of Family Education

  • Ying Zhang School of Marxism, Xinyang Normal University
Article ID: 1404
Keywords: College Students in the New Era, Marxist Happiness Education, Countermeasures, Family Education


Family is the basic cell of society, and the first school in life. No matter how great the times change, no matter how big the change of life pattern is, we should all attach importance to family building. Parents’ educational ideas, educational methods and family environment are the important factors affecting college students’ happiness. Therefore, we should attach importance to the basic role of family education and give full play to the auxiliary role of family in the education of College Students’ happiness concept, so as to effectively improve the actual efficiency of the education of College Students’ happiness concept.
How to Cite
Zhang, Y. (2020). On the Education Countermeasures of Marxist Concept of Happiness for College Students in the New Era--Based on the Perspective of Family Education. Learning & Education, 9(2), 70-72. https://doi.org/10.18282/l-e.v9i2.1404


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