Power, politics and job satisfaction among employees in Wolaita Sodo Polytechnic College, South Ethiopia

  • Shimelis Tamirat Department of Management, Wolaita Sodo University, Wolaita Sodo 138, Ethiopia; Department of Management, College of Business and Economics, Jimma University, Jimma 378, Ethiopia
  • Zerihun Ayenew Department of Management, College of Business and Economics, Jimma University, Jimma 378, Ethiopia
Article ID: 3585
Keywords: power bases; interpersonal power; job satisfaction; political behavior; POP


When power is exercised, it results in political behavior in organizations. Excessively held organizational politics can hurt an organization and its members though some consider wisely used political behavior as positive. This study was conducted at Wolaita Sodo Polytechnic College (WSPTC) to investigate the effect of power and political dynamism on employee job satisfaction. Cross-sectional survey design was used to collect data from stratified, randomly selected 146 informants. The Rahim Leader Power Inventory (RLPI), Interpersonal Power Inventory (IPI), Perception of Organizational Politics (POP), and Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire (MSQ) were employed to collect data. Descriptive and inferential statistical analyses were made using statistical packages (SPSS version 23). The findings revealed that when managers legitimate, coercive, and reward power bases are higher, then organizational politics becomes higher. Power concentration at higher positions results in increased organizational politics than when it was shared. Regression analysis uncovered that 47% (R-squared 0.468) of variations in job satisfaction were explained by POP and power dynamics. Hence, it is recommended that having power sharing, empowering subordinates, and moderate political maneuvering in the use of power and politics will be helpful in maintaining constructive relationships and job satisfaction.

Author Biography

Zerihun Ayenew, Department of Management, College of Business and Economics, Jimma University, Jimma 378, Ethiopia

Professor of Human Resource Management

Management Department, CoBE,


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How to Cite
Tamirat, S., & Ayenew, Z. (2025). Power, politics and job satisfaction among employees in Wolaita Sodo Polytechnic College, South Ethiopia. Human Resources Management and Services, 7(1), 3585. https://doi.org/10.18282/hrms3585