Work-life balance and employee well-being: The moderating effect of employee engagement among millennials in front-line service companies

  • Praise Ofure Asotie Department of Psychology, University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria
  • Benjamin Osayawe Ehigie Department of Psychology, University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria
  • Sunday Yusuff Aderibigbe Department of Psychology, University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria
  • Rebecca I. Ehigie National Examination Council (NECO), Ibadan, Nigeria
  • Ojo Muhammed Oriade Department of Psychology, University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria
Article ID: 3581
Keywords: work-life balance employee engagement; self-dedication; vigor; absorption; moderating; and frontline


The human factor of production is a significant player in increased organizational productivity. Due to the contemporary competitive work environment, the millennial in front-line jobs is faced with demanding work activities, resulting in challenges to their psychological well-being. Therefore, exploring the connectedness between work-life balance, employee engagement and psychological well-being of the millennial becomes imperative. Research was conducted, using an ex-post facto research design, among 320 purposively selected front-line millennial employees, with a mean age of 32 years. The instrument administered in a Google Form survey contained a 44-item self-report questionnaire, comprising work-life balance, employee engagement with components as vigor, dedication and absorption, and employee well-being. Data analyzed revealed that work-life balance significantly predicted employee well-being, accounting for 25% variance. The dimensions of employee engagement (vigor, dedication and absorption) collectively accounted for 7% variance in employee well-being. The study establishes the fact that to enhance the psychological well-being of Millennials in front-line jobs, organizational management should design the work structures to allow for work-life balance, which will as well increase their work engagement. They can encourage employees to find meaning and purpose in their work (dedication), provide opportunities for skill development and autonomy (vigor), and create an environment that allows employees to fully immerse themselves in their tasks (absorption). These could be implemented through organizational development strategies and work design. However, future research should target additional variables, replicate the study in different contexts and among another population of employees, employ longitudinal data collection methods, and increase sample sizes. Furthermore, measures should be taken to minimize the impact of social desirability and enhance the generalizability of the research.

How to Cite
Asotie, P. O., Ehigie, B. O., Aderibigbe, S. Y., Ehigie, R. I., & Oriade, O. M. (2025). Work-life balance and employee well-being: The moderating effect of employee engagement among millennials in front-line service companies. Human Resources Management and Services, 7(1), 3581.


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