Conceptual principles of enterprise management and its system-forming components

  • Viktoriia Melnyk Vinnytsia Educational and Scientific Institute of Economics, Western Ukrainian National University, St. Gonty, 37, 21022 Vinnytsia, Ukraine
  • Oleh Pohrishchuk Vinnytsia Educational and Scientific Institute of Economics, Western Ukrainian National University, St. Gonty, 37, 21022 Vinnytsia, Ukraine
  • Yulia Melnyk Vinnytsia Educational and Scientific Institute of Economics, Western Ukrainian National University, St. Gonty, 37, 21022 Vinnytsia, Ukraine
Article ID: 3561
Keywords: enterprise management; management concept; efficiency; economic activity; economic potential


In modern conditions of instability and changes in the factors of the environment of the functioning of many business structures, the construction of their management systems is becoming more complicated; the issue of the conceptual principles of enterprise management is becoming especially important. The conducted research is aimed at substantiating the conceptual principles of enterprise management, defining tasks, and developing recommendations for increasing the efficiency of business processes, strengthening economic potential, and ensuring adaptation to modern challenges. It was determined that under the enterprise management system, it is advisable to consider the methods of influence and interaction between the subject and the object of management, which is based on compliance with principles, using methods, and performing functions in order to achieve the set goals and fulfill the tasks of the enterprise’s activities. The authors proposed a structure of procedural support for building an enterprise management system, which includes. The study developed a system of principles for building organizational structures for managing the activities of enterprises. The main principles of organizing the process of managing a production enterprise include achieving economic efficiency, personal material interest, single leadership, self-management, proportionality, and systematicity. The main recommendations for improving the efficiency of business processes and ensuring adaptation to modern challenges include: the use of digital platforms for promoting the corporate mission, vision and values; the creation of interactive employee training programs; the use of analytical tools for collecting and analyzing data; forecasting market trends and modeling development scenarios; the implementation of systems for integrating key enterprise functions; the use of specialized platforms for risk assessment; building a culture of innovation; methodological support for monitoring the results of the implementation of digital tools; the integration of environmental and social initiatives into all levels of management.


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How to Cite
Melnyk, V., Pohrishchuk, O., & Melnyk, Y. (2025). Conceptual principles of enterprise management and its system-forming components. Human Resources Management and Services, 7(1), 3561.