Investigating the impact of human resource empowerment on the establishment of green human resources management in Tehran’s 14th district municipality
This study explores the influence of human resource empowerment on the establishment of green human resource management (GHRM) within Tehran’s 14th district municipality. Utilizing a descriptive-analytical research approach, the study targets the practical implications of empowerment strategies on GHRM implementation. The research population consists of 1500 employees from the 14th district, based on the 2017 census. A sample of 306 respondents was selected using Morgan’s table. Data were collected via a structured questionnaire developed from the study’s conceptual framework and research hypotheses. The questionnaire’s validity and reliability were confirmed through expert review and Cronbach’s alpha (0.9). Descriptive statistics outline the background and primary variables, while inferential statistics, particularly the Pearson correlation test, were used to evaluate the hypotheses. Results indicate that human resource empowerment positively affects the establishment of GHRM in Tehran’s 14th district municipality.
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