Exploring the bright side of dark personalities: The dark triad as predictors of innovative work behavior in managers

  • Marium Arslan Zuberi Department of Management Studies, Bahria University Islamabad, Islamabad 4400, Pakistan
  • Arif Khattak Department of Management Studies, Bahria University Islamabad, Islamabad 4400, Pakistan
Article ID: 3482
Keywords: dark triad; Machiavellianism; psychopathy; narcissism; training satisfaction; innovative work behavior


There has been a growing interest in studying dysfunctional personality traits in the workplace. In line with this trend, this study examines how the Dark Triad personalities (Machiavellianism, narcissism, and psychopathy) can predict innovative work behavior. Additionally, the study builds on Trait Activation Theory and proposes a moderating effect of training satisfaction on this relationship. The purpose of this study is to understand if the Dark Triad traits predict innovative behavior while simultaneously examining the role of training satisfaction in channeling these traits toward innovative behavior. A questionnaire-based survey was conducted on the five largest telecommunication companies in Pakistan. The data gathered was analyzed using structural equation modeling. Results established a positive relationship between each trait of the Dark Triad and innovative work behavior. Moreover, training satisfaction was found to moderate the relationship between the psychopathy trait and innovative work behavior. In light of these findings, the study contributes to personality-behavior research in organizations by demonstrating that the Dark Triad predicts innovative work behavior in managers and that the innovative behaviors associated with the psychopathy trait can be enhanced in the presence of training satisfaction.

How to Cite
Zuberi, M. A., & Khattak, A. (2024). Exploring the bright side of dark personalities: The dark triad as predictors of innovative work behavior in managers. Human Resources Management and Services, 6(3), 3482. https://doi.org/10.18282/hrms.v6i3.3482


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