Adoption of HR analytics to enhance employee retention in the workplace: A review
Human resources (HR) analytics is garnering increasing interest each year and is set to play a pivotal role in the development of human resources. In the present era, numerous companies are harnessing the power of analytics to gain a competitive advantage by comprehending all the vital aspects of their workforce by enhancing employee retention through leveraging HR analytics to inform strategic HR choices. Many companies are now incorporating analytical tools into their HR function as a fact-based approach to develop relevant strategies and make informed decisions in managing their workforce more effectively. However, HR faces several challenges in implementing data analytics. Talent management commonly utilizes data analytics to enhance employee engagement, including retention rates, recruitment, job satisfaction, and happiness. This paper discusses the adoption of HR data analytics to enhance employee retention in the workplace. This study delves into the significance of HR data analytics in the realm of employee retention, aiming to assess the efficacy of data-driven decisions. A thorough examination of scholarly publications was undertaken, encompassing both indexed and non-indexed papers sourced from reputable electronic databases to gain insights into the present understanding of HR analytics and its influence on employee retention. The discussion uncovers that HR analytics has a noteworthy impact on improving employee retention in the workplace.
Copyright (c) 2024 Kamalesh Ravesangar, Sivachandran Narayanan

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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