Optimizing ecosystem of educational institutions: Elevating via positive organizational behavior to enhance employee performance

  • Asifa Younas Superior University, Lahore 57000, Pakistan
Article ID: 3480
Keywords: communication; leadership; physical facilities positive organizational behavior (POB); reward and recognition; work culture


This study examined the correlations between highly entangled variables such as leadership, work environment, effective communication, reward fairness, and physical facilities for faculty members. The data was gathered from faculty members of educational institutions in Pakistan using a survey questionnaire, and the sampling method was purposive sampling. For this study, data was obtained from a varied group of education professionals from several places in Pakistan, each with a distinct degree of education and experience. This study demonstrates how independent factors affect faculty performance and can have a further impact on organizational productivity. The findings indicated that good organizational behavior had a considerable favorable influence on faculty performance. The paper reviews significant literature on the proposed factors and makes recommendations for further research.

How to Cite
Younas, A. (2024). Optimizing ecosystem of educational institutions: Elevating via positive organizational behavior to enhance employee performance. Human Resources Management and Services, 6(3), 3480. https://doi.org/10.18282/hrms.v6i3.3480


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