Structural relationships between workation attachment, workationer power, workation relationship quality, and workation intention
This research aims to examine the structural relationships between the dimensions of workation attachment, workationer power, the dimensions of workation relationship quality, and workation intention. It demonstrates that the proposed model aligns well with the collected data based on a convenience sample comprising 494 workationers in Bangkok using structural equation modeling. The analysis outcomes contribute to the tourism marketing theory by providing additional insights into the dimensions of workation attachment, workationer power, the dimensions of workation relationship quality, and workation intention. The findings from this study can aid workation managers in formulating and executing market-oriented service strategies to enhance the dimensions of workation attachment, workationer power, and workation relationship quality and foster workation intention.
Copyright (c) 2024 Hung-Che Wu, Haonan Xu

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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