Telework and new work practices: The role of managers

  • Josep Llados-Masllore Economic and Business Department, Universitat Oberta Catalunya (UOC), 08032 Barcelona, Spain
  • Antoni Meseguer-Artola Economic and Business Department, Universitat Oberta Catalunya (UOC), 08032 Barcelona, Spain
  • Eva Rimbau-Gilabert Economic and Business Department, Universitat Oberta Catalunya (UOC), 08032 Barcelona, Spain
  • Mar Sabadell-Bosch Economic and Business Department, Universitat Oberta Catalunya (UOC), 08032 Barcelona, Spain
Ariticle ID: 3454
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Keywords: telework implementation; remote work; managers’ attitudes; digital skills; organizational culture


Since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, academic research has primarily focused on the challenges posed by flexible working arrangements. However, there has been a lack of exploration into managers’ intentions to either promote or reject remote work. This paper utilizes a TAM analysis to examine managers’ attitudes and motivations towards implementing telework in a sample of European companies. Our findings reveal that this intention is largely influenced by their perception of its usefulness. Additionally, telework is more likely to be accepted when managerial teams believe that those who hold significance to them also support the implementation of flexible work practices in their companies. Our research contributes to the existing literature by considering the impact of job performance, quality of output, and digital skills on telework adoption. The results confirm that skills related to communication and team building are crucial competencies for successfully implementing telework. The ability of leaders to effectively build, motivate, recognize, and hold accountable teams in virtual environments can make all the difference.


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How to Cite
Llados-Masllore, J., Meseguer-Artola, A., Rimbau-Gilabert, E., & Sabadell-Bosch, M. (2024). Telework and new work practices: The role of managers. Human Resources Management and Services, 6(2), 3454.