Exploring the potential of internal communication and employee relations for effective staff performance in Nigeria customs service
Organizations in the modern, global environment have moved away from traditional methods of communication and toward creating all-encompassing plans that revolve around the engagement and motivation of their workforce. This change highlights the critical function of strategic internal communication, a still-emerging but increasingly important field of study and practice in the business sector. The modern workplace sees a change in the roles that employees play, with workers taking on more and more duties that were previously related to public relations. Understanding this shift in PR practice requires an understanding of role expectations, as norms and expectations have a significant impact on communication behavior and, in turn, organizational performance. To interpret the data in this context, a content analysis of secondary data was conducted. This made it possible to assess the body of knowledge in order to determine its applicability, consistency, replication, and rebuttal. The study makes the case that paramilitary organizations, like the Nigeria Customs Service, have internal communication procedures that are different from those of traditional corporate organizational structures. Given the agency’s diverse responsibilities in income generation, trade facilitation, and the abolition of smuggling, this discrepancy is especially noticeable. The study shows that the relationship between internal communication and employees’ job performance was mediated by employee participation and job satisfaction.
Copyright (c) 2024 Abdullahi Aliyu Maiwada, Barth Oshionebo

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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