Navigating academic excellence: Understanding how university vision impacts staff effectiveness

  • Mercy Ejovwokeoghene Ogbari Department of Business Management, Covenant University, Ota 112211, Nigeria
Article ID: 3430
Keywords: academic; vision; staff; strategy; effectiveness; university


Vision statements are seen as important factors that come before the development of strategies. They excel at encapsulating the strategic direction of a company, clearly defining its scope, boundaries, and the process of creating value. Vision statements function as comprehensive frameworks that guide the development of several strategic elements, including mission, strategic capabilities, strategic intent, objectives, goals, core values, standards of behavior, and business models. However, research on this subject remains scanty, particularly within academia. Therefore, this study examined the impact of university vision on staff effectiveness, building on transformational leadership theory and strategic leadership theory. The study adopted a positivist research philosophy. The research employed a cross-sectional study design. This study employed a descriptive research design. Questionnaires were devised by the researcher to collect data from a randomly selected group of 186 academic personnel from the four colleges in a private university using stratified sampling. The data obtained was subject to validity checks using composite reliability, the average variance extracted (AVE) estimate, and the Cronbach Alpha coefficient. The findings reveal that the vision of the university had a significant but weak impact on the effectiveness of staff. Based on the findings and conclusions, the study suggests that the university’s organizational vision should be consistently improved and effectively conveyed to staff members to direct their efforts toward achieving the university’s vision.

How to Cite
Ogbari, M. E. (2024). Navigating academic excellence: Understanding how university vision impacts staff effectiveness. Human Resources Management and Services, 6(4), 3430.


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