Human resource practices and performance in information technology projects
This quantitative survey was non-experimental and had two goals. An evaluation of predictor variables of empowerment, motivation, teamwork, interpersonal skills, and training and development in project environments was one goal to help explain the industry’s high project failure rate. Second, this research tested Bandura’s social learning theory and tested the hypothesis that empowerment and motivation boost performance. Using a survey-based questionnaire, the data was collected from 212 employees working in different IT companies in Pakistan. The results revealed that empowerment, motivation, teamwork, and training and development have a significant impact on project performance. Using the results, this study proposes theoretical implications for the researchers and managerial implications for the organizations.
Copyright (c) 2024 Saba Riaz, Zeshan Ali Haider, Kashif Saleem

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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