Employees’ deviant workplace behavior, employee external prestige, and job satisfaction: Evidence from Nigeria

  • Paul Dung Gadi Department of Business Administration and Management, Plateau State Polytechnic, Barkin Ladi, P.M.B. 02023 Bukuru, Nigeria
  • Anthony Sambo Mailumu Department of Urban and Regional Planning, Plateau State Polytechnic, Barkin Ladi, P.M.B. 02023 Bukuru, Nigeria
  • Peter Musa Wash Department of Urban and Regional Planning, Plateau State Polytechnic, Barkin Ladi, P.M.B. 02023 Bukuru, Nigeria
Article ID: 3423
Keywords: deviant workplace behavior; job satisfaction; external prestige


The goal of this study is to examine how external prestige (PEP) affects workplace deviations, which are mediated by job satisfaction. The study’s sample consisted of 310 respondents who work in the hospitality industry in Nigeria, and data was collected using the purposive sampling method. Structural Equation Model (SEM) tests were performed. According to the study’s findings, job satisfaction is positively influenced by PEP, but it has a negative impact on deviant conduct in the workplace. It is clear that job satisfaction plays a detrimental role in mediating the harmful impacts of perceived external status on deviant behavior at work.

How to Cite
Gadi, P. D., Mailumu, A. S., & Wash, P. M. (2024). Employees’ deviant workplace behavior, employee external prestige, and job satisfaction: Evidence from Nigeria. Human Resources Management and Services, 6(3), 3423. https://doi.org/10.18282/hrms.v6i3.3423


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