Impact of corporate social responsibility on employees’ attractiveness in hospitality industry

  • Saba Riaz Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin 150001, Heilongjiang Province, China
  • Kashif Saleem Lahore Leads University, Lahore 54000, Pakistan
Article ID: 3422
Keywords: corporate social responsibility; employer attractiveness; hospitality industry


This study begins the conversation on the impact that applicant CSR orientation has on a major phase of workforce development—employer attractiveness. There is also virtually no research that investigates CSRO and workforce development. Meanwhile, this present research effort provides evidence that there is some basic relationship between CSRO and employer attractiveness. The data comes from 280 participants who are interested in joining the hospitality and tourism industries in Pakistan. Structural equation modeling was used to analyze the data. The results showed that all four dimensions are significant predictors of employers‘ attractiveness. More specifically, the ethical aspect of CSR has a stronger impact on employers’ attractiveness, whereas discretionary behavior in CSR has the least impact. The implications for academicians, researchers, and managers in the hospitality industry are given in detail.


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How to Cite
Riaz, S., & Saleem, K. (2024). Impact of corporate social responsibility on employees’ attractiveness in hospitality industry. Human Resources Management and Services, 6(1), 3422.