Examining the impact of generative artificial intelligence on work dynamics

  • David Richard Lozie School of Business, Trent University, Durham GTA, Oshawa L1J 5Y1, Ontario, Canada
  • Robina Omasa School of Business, Trent University, Durham GTA, Oshawa L1J 5Y1, Ontario, Canada
  • Sara Hesami School of Business, Trent University, Durham GTA, Oshawa L1J 5Y1, Ontario, Canada
  • Shenjuti Zaman School of Business, Trent University, Durham GTA, Oshawa L1J 5Y1, Ontario, Canada
  • Mahsa Kajbaf School of Business, Trent University, Durham GTA, Oshawa L1J 5Y1, Ontario, Canada
  • Amina Raza Malik School of Business, Trent University, Durham GTA, Oshawa L1J 5Y1, Ontario, Canada
Article ID: 3420
Keywords: employee well-being; generative AI; human resource management; work dynamics


The main purpose of this paper was to examine the impact of generative artificial intelligence (AI) on employee well-being and work dynamics. Using qualitative methodology, three semi-structured interviews were conducted to investigate the implications of generative AI on employee outcomes such as efficiency, job satisfaction, ethical considerations, and work-life balance. The findings highlighted the potential benefits and risks associated with generative AI implementation in the workplace. The study contributed to the literature by adopting a qualitative approach, allowing in-depth exploration of individual experiences with generative AI in the workplace. The study discussed the implications for employers, employees, and society.


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How to Cite
Lozie, D. R., Omasa, R., Hesami, S., Zaman, S., Kajbaf, M., & Malik, A. R. (2024). Examining the impact of generative artificial intelligence on work dynamics. Human Resources Management and Services, 6(2), 3420. https://doi.org/10.18282/hrms.v6i2.3420