Age and job expectations—A study from the IT industry

  • Muamer Bezdrob Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences, International Burch University, Sarajevo 71210, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Article ID: 3416
Keywords: aging; age-diverse workforce; knowledge workers; job expectations; job satisfaction


In a time of a growingly age-diverse workforce, modern organizations are facing the challenge of simultaneously maintaining job satisfaction for both younger and older workers. In that regard, this study aims to analyse and further explore the difference in job expectations of employees from the IT industry who belong to different age groups. Based on the extant literature, an appropriate research model was designed, which was subsequently tested using the data gathered through the surveys conducted over the past fourteen years. The research results show that the main difference between younger and older employees within the IT industry is related to professional and personal growth. Specifically, younger employees primarily look for personal development and rapid professional advancement, which are of minor importance to their older counterparts. Intriguingly, the obtained results showed no difference between the younger and older employees regarding the work environment, including its competitiveness.


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How to Cite
Bezdrob, M. (2024). Age and job expectations—A study from the IT industry. Human Resources Management and Services, 6(1), 3416.