Emotional assertiveness, assertive communication and assertive training enhancing the employees’ performances: A China banking perspective

  • Xuan Zhou Faculty of Business & Communication, INTI International University, Nilai 71800, Malaysia
  • Hemaloshinee Vasudevan Tun Razak Graduate School, Universiti Tun Abdul Razak, Kuala Lumpur 50400, Malaysia
  • Aishath Rifga Abdul Ghanee Hussain Tun Razak Graduate School, Universiti Tun Abdul Razak, Kuala Lumpur 50400, Malaysia
Article ID: 3406
Keywords: emotional assertiveness; assertive communication; assertive training and employees’ performance


The study acknowledges empirical, conceptual, and policy-driven papers that address emotional assertiveness, assertive communication, and assertive training as means of improving employee performance in Chinese banking, which is a significant contributor to the Chinese economy. Most banking enterprises have suffered from poor performance and a lack of aggressiveness in operation. It can be used by both managers and employees to create a good interaction process and a favorable work environment, which can help elevate performances. The research employs a quantitative approach, utilizing a questionnaire survey and simple random sampling. The sample comprises 381 employees from the Chinese banking industry, with a response rate above 70%. The regression analysis confirms that emotional assertiveness, assertive training, and assertive communication significantly impact employee performance. In conclusion, this study contributes to academia and industries by addressing the importance of assertiveness in improving performance. The policy-driven evidence on the conceptual framework of HR literacy in emotional, training, communication, and job performance should be adopted and reviewed in the country’s existing management by objective policy and legal framework in resolving employee job performance and training that are still underutilized and have a great deal of potential to satisfy the employees and management needs by establishing and emerging nations.


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How to Cite
Zhou, X., Vasudevan, H., & Abdul Ghanee Hussain, A. R. (2024). Emotional assertiveness, assertive communication and assertive training enhancing the employees’ performances: A China banking perspective. Human Resources Management and Services, 6(2), 3406. https://doi.org/10.18282/hrms.v6i2.3406